You know those days where you couldn’t care less about other people. Just let your mind flow somewhere far away. Yeah, we all got our problems, problems we don’t wanna talk about. We get annoyed when people ask us what’s wrong? Well, everything was fine before you asked me. And sometimes you want to sit and stare out of the window while raindrops slide down. Just like a sad movie scene. But this isn’t a movie, this is real life. There’s not gonna be a happy ending if you don’t do anything to make it better. So,why is it only happy endings in movies? There’s never a sad or unexpected endings. It’s just perfect. Fairytale endings, where everyone is so happy, they got what they wanted in the end. But this isn’t a fucking fairytale. You’re gonna mess up, everyone will someday. We say things we don’t mean to the people we love and they’re gone. Some will stay, if they care enough. So, thank yourself when you wake up and you’re all alone. You did this, you fucked this up. But new people whill show up, new friends, new enemies, people to love, people to fight with. Just remember to hold on to them while they’re still there. Becase, if you lose them, they’re gone forever.
Postat av: Ika
finfin text! <3